About Me – Sven

Hey dudes (and babes, i like the ladies too, maybe more 🤙🏽), I’m Sven! I’m a surfer originally from sweeden but been livin’ the dream on the North Shore of Oahu. Let’s go!

I spend my days chasing the waves and the most righteous babes. Bummed it on the beach, upgraded to a van, but now I got my own shack. I’m all about good vibes, tasty island grinds, and finding that perfect wave. oh yeah, did I mention I love the ladies!

When I’m not chasing the swell, I love sharin’ my stoke for the North Shore with all you dudes out there.

Have you ever wanted to go somewhere and live like a local? I’ve got the lowdown on the best secret surf spots, hidden coves, and groovy island happenings that’ll make your trip a total blast.

Hangin’ with me is like ridin’ the wave of a lifetime, man – pure bliss and an adrenaline rush all rolled into one.

So, if you’re lookin’ for the ultimate North Shore experience, you’ve come to the right place dude! Trust me, my infectious energy and insider tips will make your North Shore Oahu adventure one for the books, man!